Welcome to Viticulture research in the Lake Erie Grape Production Region.
Along Lake Erie's Southeast shoreline, the land in New York and Pennsylvania quickly rises over 700 feet to the Allegheny Plateau. Sandwiched between the temperature moderating waters of Lake Erie and the 700 foot earthen wall sits a narrow band of land ideal for agricultural fruit production in the Northeastern, U.S. Although also home to the production of peaches, cherries, apples, blueberries, and other fruit crops, agriculture in the region is dominated by grape production with Concord as the main variety. Viticulture research at the Cornell Vineyard Laboratory focuses on improving grape production in this unique region.
Along Lake Erie's Southeast shoreline, the land in New York and Pennsylvania quickly rises over 700 feet to the Allegheny Plateau. Sandwiched between the temperature moderating waters of Lake Erie and the 700 foot earthen wall sits a narrow band of land ideal for agricultural fruit production in the Northeastern, U.S. Although also home to the production of peaches, cherries, apples, blueberries, and other fruit crops, agriculture in the region is dominated by grape production with Concord as the main variety. Viticulture research at the Cornell Vineyard Laboratory focuses on improving grape production in this unique region.
Most Recent Research Winter Content
One of the goals of the Lake Erie Regional Grape Program is to ensure that the research they conduct is useful to grape growers. One way to ensure this happens is to incorporate grower participation into any research project from the very beginning.
Kevin Martin, Extension Educator, Business Management
Kevin Martin, from the Lake Erie Regional Grape Program (Penn State University), is currently creating baseline economic data to provide regional grape growers with commercialization strategies for spatial vineyard management.
Lake Erie Grape belt low temperatures in Feb 2015 reached -19 to -29 degrees F and this has caused variable damage to fruiting buds of grapevines. Viticulture Specialist, Luke Haggerty, and the CLEREL staff are evaluating the extent of bud damage from several vineyards across the region.
Local Grower Assists in the Development of Technology for the Lake Erie Concord
Last Modified: July 27, 2017
One of the goals of the Lake Erie Regional Grape Program is to ensure that the research they conduct is useful to grape growers. One way to ensure this happens is to incorporate grower participation into any research project from the very beginning.
GPS Technology in Local Vineyards
Kevin Martin, Extension Educator, Business Management
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
Last Modified: July 19, 2017
Kevin Martin, from the Lake Erie Regional Grape Program (Penn State University), is currently creating baseline economic data to provide regional grape growers with commercialization strategies for spatial vineyard management.
Freeze Damage
Last Modified: February 24, 2015
Lake Erie Grape belt low temperatures in Feb 2015 reached -19 to -29 degrees F and this has caused variable damage to fruiting buds of grapevines. Viticulture Specialist, Luke Haggerty, and the CLEREL staff are evaluating the extent of bud damage from several vineyards across the region.
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program - Cornell Cooperative Extension
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