Event Details
April 8, 2014
Penn State Extension -Erie Office
850 East Gore Rd
Erie, NY 16509
NEWA Training
April 8, 2014Agenda
2:30pm-3:00pm- Accessing weather and pest model information using the NEWA website. Through real-time navigation of the NEWA website, participants will come to understand how to find the weather and pest information that is important to them as growers.
3:00pm-4:00pm- Developing and implementing an IPM strategy using the weather and pest model information found on NEWA. Using the web site, and the information developed in the first hour of the program, participants will be lead in a discussion of real world examples of how the weather and pest model information obtained from the NEWA website can be used in determining the need for a particular pest management strategy as well as how to best time the application when needed.