Vine Nutrition & Soils
Just as you would never medicate your children without knowing whether or not they actually have an infection,you need to be able to diagnose nutrient deficiencies in your vineyards. How to do it? Soil and petiole testing can provide a clear picture of what is going on in your vineyard. The soil tests will determine what nutrients are available to be taken up by the vines' roots, and the petiole tests will show whether or not the roots are actually absorbing those nutrients. Once you have the soil tests, you have one sideof the story, and petiole tests will give you the other side of the vine nutrient story. A soil test can indicate that the soil pH, K, Mg, and N levels are all adequate, but if the vines are still puny, something else might be at work. This is where a petiole test comes in handy.
Most Recent Vine Nutrition and Soils Summer Content
Kevin Martin, Extension Educator, Business Management
Kevin Martin, from the Lake Erie Regional Grape Program (Penn State University), is currently creating baseline economic data to provide regional grape growers with commercialization strategies for spatial vineyard management.
Edith Byrne, Association Program Educator I
Soil and petiole testing can provide a clear picture of what is going on in your vineyard. The soil tests will determine what nutrients are available to be taken up by the vines' roots, and the petiole tests will show whether or not the roots are actually absorbing those nutrients. Once you have the soil tests, you have one side of the story, and petiole tests will give you the other side of the vine nutrient story.
Edith Byrne, Association Program Educator I
Images of the Eichhorn-Lorenz Phenological Stages
Adapted from Eichhorn and Lorenz (1977) and Lorenz (1994)
GPS Technology in Local Vineyards
Kevin Martin, Extension Educator, Business Management
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
Last Modified: July 19, 2017
Kevin Martin, from the Lake Erie Regional Grape Program (Penn State University), is currently creating baseline economic data to provide regional grape growers with commercialization strategies for spatial vineyard management.
Soil and Petiole Testing
Edith Byrne, Association Program Educator I
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
Last Modified: March 13, 2013
Soil and petiole testing can provide a clear picture of what is going on in your vineyard. The soil tests will determine what nutrients are available to be taken up by the vines' roots, and the petiole tests will show whether or not the roots are actually absorbing those nutrients. Once you have the soil tests, you have one side of the story, and petiole tests will give you the other side of the vine nutrient story.
Eichhorn-Lorenz Phenological Stages
Edith Byrne, Association Program Educator I
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
Last Modified: January 20, 2013
Images of the Eichhorn-Lorenz Phenological Stages
Adapted from Eichhorn and Lorenz (1977) and Lorenz (1994)
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