Tax Credit & Incentive Guide
Andrew Holden, LERGP Business Management Educator
Lake Erie Regional Grape Program
I am excited to share two handouts that provide lists of potential grants and tax incentives for grape growers and wineries in the Lake Erie region of PA and NY. In discussions with growers, industry professionals, and colleagues, it became evident that developing a comprehensive list would be beneficial to growers in the region seeking a single place to view applicable programs. My goal with these lists is to keep them updated on a regular basis and include all programs that could benefit the industry. Soon they will also be available online on our webpage so they can be quickly updated. These lists have been compiled from multiple agencies and funders and consist of timely and ongoing programs. When referencing programs listed in these handouts, please visit the webpage or call the parent agency for the most up to date and accurate information. If you have questions about the grants or programs or if you need assistance applying for them, please contact me to set up a meeting. Finally, if there are any programs, grants, incentives, or other financial assistance opportunities that you have used, or know of, that are not listed, please share them so that they may be included in the next update.
Tax Credit & Incentive Guide (pdf; 282KB)
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